trade mark law中文什么意思

发音:   用"trade mark law"造句
  • trade:    n. 1.贸易;商业,交易;零售商。 ...
  • mark:     mark2 n. 1.马 ...
  • law:    int. 〔英俚〕天哪! 嗳呀!
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  1. The assimilation of the system of trade mark law of china emerges in many ways . it is the product of history with the interaction of inside elements and outside effects
  2. Now ethiopia wants to control the use of this specialty coffee names under trade mark laws . the idea is to charge coffee sellers for the right to use these names
    现在,埃塞俄比亚希望借助商标法来控制其特制咖啡名称的使用权。意图是向咖啡销售者征缴使用那些名称权力的费用。 (具体方法是向使用这些名称的咖啡经销商收取一定的费用。
  3. Chapter one : the motivation of assimilation of the system of trade mark laws ; chapter two : the comparison and analysis of the trade mark law of china with the relevant rules of wto ; chapter three : some special issues in the system of trade mark laws
  4. Therefore , the study of how to improve the system of trade mark law of china , to assimilate the trade mark law of china with the international law development and to comply with the rapid development of human society , bears great significance in theory and reality
  5. Abstract : discusses legal status of delegated person in the use system of authorized trademarks , analyses defects of the use system of authorized trademarks on our trade mark law from the contrast between chinese law and foreign law , and puts forward a suggestion about alteration of our law


  1. trade mark agreement 什么意思
  2. trade mark and brand 什么意思
  3. trade mark counterfeiting 什么意思
  4. trade mark enquiries 什么意思
  5. trade mark infringement 什么意思
  6. trade mark legis ation 什么意思
  7. trade mark license 什么意思
  8. trade mark name 什么意思
  9. trade mark officce 什么意思
  10. trade mark ordinance 什么意思


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